The Sugar Engineers

Continuous Vacuum Pan Rapid Design

The Continuous Vacuum Pan (CVP) is a very effective way of optimising pan floor space, ease of operation of the pan floor, minimising the temperature difference between the heating steam and massecuite being boiled, while still maintaining good circulation through the calandria, using natural convection.

The features of the Sugar Engineeers' CVP are:

  1. Carefully designed using well established prnciples of sugar technology along with CFD to optimise the design for each specific installation
  2. Simple cylindrical body shell; no complex curves to roll
  3. Simple, robust calandria fabrication
  4. an easily fabricated internal entrainment separator
  5. Compartments sized according to the residence time of the crystal in each compartment
  6. A very robust design that can be scaled from large sugar factory size down to artisanal mini sugar factory size.