The Sugar Engineers

Advertising on this Site

This site is read by engineers in the sugar industry all over the world. It is read by a targeted niche audience, who are invoved in making purchasing decisions. The website is currently getting in excess of 70,000 page impressions per month.

There are a number of ways of advertising on this site

Banner Adverts

Banner adverts are ads placed at the top of each page or on the right hand side of each page or at the foot of each page

The prices below include the preparation of advertising material if required. If you have a banner please ensure it is in PNG or GIF format.

Ad size in pixels (width x height) Position Ad Duration Approx cost per 1000 impressions Cost
468 x 60 banner at the very top of the page Three Months R130.00 USD18.00 R18,000.00 USD3,750.00
468 x 60 banner at the very top of the page One Month R130.00 USD18.00 R9000.00 USD1250.00
468 x 60 banner at the foot of the page One Month R100.00 USD15.00 R7200.00 USD1000.00
120 x 120 button on the right hand side of the page One Month R100.00 USD15.00 R7200.00 USD1000.00
120 x 60 button to the right of the main body of text on the page One Month R50.00 USD7.00 R3600.00 USD500.00

Premium Links

Premium links are very similar to the well known Google Sponsored Links™. Premium links will appear at the top of the list of links together with a logo and a short description. The fee for a premium link is US$6,000.00 for one year period.

To upgrade your existing link or to get a new Premium link please contact us at